Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Life in Second Year

    Experiences can be memorable or a bad experience in our life. It was definitely difficult compared to my first year life. Well, it was good and happy experiences I have.

    It was the first day of school and I was so excited. I was expecting that this life would be easier than first year life. This is my second time as a student journalist. As a student journalist in Davao City National High School, it is not easy because there are so many projects & assignments to do. But this challenge for me can make me stronger in facing every pieces of it.. I encountered some problems with my friends but we already solved it. As time passes by, I’ve learned many things like how to be a good journalist and to be a good model to everyone.

    Happy, sad and bad experiences can be treasure in our life. Give some importance what is happening in your surroundings. Challenges in your life can do some good results in your future. Be proud of what you are and be proud to be a student journalist.

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